Kincaid: Cerberus Mc Book 1 Read online

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  “Doodling?” I ask taking a step closer to the table. Such a silly word for such a manly biker.

  He grins at me, and when he does that not only does it cause butterflies low in my belly, but it makes him look younger and less hardened.

  “You hungry?” he asks slipping the notebook under his leg.

  My stomach rumbles my response, and he laughs lightly. “I’ll take that as a yes. Have a seat,” he says pointing to the chair beside him.

  I sit down and take the slice of pizza Diego offers me on a paper plate and a chilled bottle of water. It smells heavenly, and my stomach doesn’t stop growling until over half of my second slice is gone.

  “I didn’t know what kind you liked, so I got supreme,” he explains as I pull off a large slice of mushroom.

  “This is perfect,” I tell him after swallowing a small bite and washing it down with a sip of water.

  I was just about to bring up tomorrow’s shopping when laughter from the other room invades our calm dinner. I could hear the men before they cleared the threshold of the door. I look up and see Shadow, Kid, Doc, and Rose make their way into the kitchen.

  They each grab a paper plate, fish pizza out of the boxes, and sit at one of the other empty tables in the room. There are a total of five tables in the seating area just off of the kitchen. The big round tables hold eight to ten people easily, and I wonder what this place is like when all of those chairs are full.

  “You going to show me your doodle?” I ask simply to make conversation with Diego.

  He hasn’t taken his eyes off of me since I sat down, and I hate that he’s scrutinizing me, knowing the bruises on my face are far from healed.

  I look up at him and realize at his raised eyebrow just how horrible that sounded. “Your drawing I mean,” I say and dip my head down unable to hide the smile on my face.

  “Emmalyn,” he says getting my attention. I look up at his smirking face. “I’ll show you my doodle anytime you want.”

  My face heats immediately, and I’m so embarrassed I just turn my attention to the others at their table. They seem so relaxed with each other.

  Family. That’s what Diego called them. It doesn’t go unnoticed that Wrench is nowhere to be seen. I have no doubt he is lurking around somewhere. I wonder if he’s purposefully creepy or if it’s something he’s just not able to hide very well.

  Chapter 8

  I’ll show you my doodle anytime you want… who the fuck says shit like that? Me apparently. The former Marine biker. She probably thinks I’m a complete idiot. I can sneak into a crowded village undetected and take out the leader of a terrorist regime, but sitting and having a normal conversation with this beautiful woman isn’t something I can manage without going full on idiot.

  She turns her head, and the most magnificent blush hits her cheeks. She’s embarrassed, but I can’t tell if it’s because of what I said or if she pities me for my inability to say something serious around her. I usually flirt better than I have been with her. I know she just got out of a shitty relationship, but I can’t help it.

  “More?” I ask motioning toward the boxes.

  “No thank you,” she says politely.

  I stand from the table and grab her plate and empty water bottle. I throw them in the trash and grab a couple of beers from the fridge before making my way back over to her. I know she has to be exhausted from the last two days, but I’m selfish and not ready to say goodnight to her just yet.

  “Let’s watch some TV,” I say handing her one of the beers.

  “Sure,” she says sounding relieved at the offer. Maybe she’s not ready to say goodnight either.

  The recreation area, or what most people would call the living room, is made up of several different seating areas. We head past the poker table and over to the plush leather sofas in front of the big-screen TV. I pick up the tablet off of the table in front of us, tapping the screen to make it come to life.

  “What in the world is that?” she asks as I hit the TV app on the lit up dashboard.

  I shrug. “The remote?” I know she can hear the question in my voice. “Kid thought we should get with the times, so instead of having like five remotes to control the different devices,” I point in the direction of the entertainment center that houses the TV, Blu-ray, and sound system. “He set this up. Makes it a lot simpler.”

  “Simple my ass,” Doc’s voice interrupts my explanation.

  She smiles at him letting me know that she can tell just how decent of a guy he is.

  “Pipe down, old man. Just because you’re too senile to understand it doesn’t mean it isn’t simple.” He laughs heartily but stops when Rose clears her throat behind him.

  “I’ve told you a thousand times, Kincaid. Every time you call him old, you’re calling me old.”

  “I’m three months older than him,” Rose and I say at the same time.

  Rose grins at me. “And I’ve heard that each and every time,” I tell her as Doc pulls her down to sit on his lap.

  I turn my attention back to the tablet in my hand and get something going on TV. I couldn’t care less what’s on TV, and I know Doc and Rose aren’t really going to pay attention either.

  “Turn it on the ID channel.” I hear Shadow say as he walks up and sits on the other side of Emmalyn.

  We’re on the sofa side by side but not touching. That is until Shadow settles in unceremoniously and she slides over a few more inches giving him more room. I don’t blame her; he’s a pretty imposing man, but I can tell she’s not doing it out of fear or discomfort from him being so close.

  I want to give him a high five when Em’s hip presses against mine. I look over at him and almost choke out a laugh as he winks at me. That fucker did it on purpose, and I love him for it.

  “I think The Big Bang Theory is on,” Kid says sitting in the recliner to the right of us.

  “I don’t think…” I look over at Emmalyn, and she has a happy expectant look on her face. “Here,” I say tossing Kid the tablet. “Find the station.”

  He grins from ear to ear and shoots a look at Em. I narrow my eyes at him, and he quickly turns his attention back to the TV.

  I sit back on the couch and prop my feet up on the edge of the coffee table in front of us.

  “Thank you,” Em whispers softly. She continues when I give her a mildly confused look. She nods her head to the TV just as Sheldon says something stupid and everyone laughs. “Bobby hated this show. I only got to watch when he was gone.”

  She turns her head back to the show with a huge grin on her face before I can respond to her. I watch her face as shadows and the light from the television dances across her face.

  Her blue eyes shine like the ocean in the full sun of the tropics as she lets her guard drop just a bit while she watches the ridiculous show. She’s incredibly beautiful. How someone could hurt such a beautiful creature I’ll never understand.

  I could fix every one of her problems with a simple phone call. I know people in Denver; it would be incredibly simple. The only thing keeping me from making that call and putting an end to her years of terror is greed. I wish I could say taking another man’s life gives me pause, but it doesn’t. The military made sure I wouldn’t have an issue pulling a trigger before they let me lose overseas.

  My greed and unwavering urge to strangle the man with my own bare hands is the only reason I don’t stand up from this couch right now and call in a favor; a favor that once received on the other end of the line would be carried out within the hour.

  I blow a slow breath out, trying to reign in the anger that has suddenly surfaced. From the corner of my eye, I see Doc and Rose get off of the other sofa.

  “Want to head out about nine tomorrow?” Rose says before Doc can tug her away.

  She cuts her eyes at me, but I remain silent. I want her to realize that her life is now her own, and she doesn’t have to answer to anyone, and she sure as hell doesn’t have to ask permission to do something.

  Realizing I’m no
t going to say anything she turns her eyes back to Rose. “Sounds great. Meet you out here?”

  Rose nods in agreement and then lets Doc drag her out of the room. I smile as I hear her squeal just as they are out of eyesight. I hope to have that someday. They have been married for over twenty years and still act like newlyweds.

  I look over Em’s head and glare at the side of Shadow’s head once the credits begin to roll on the TV screen. Feeling the heat from my stare, he turns his head marginally toward me.

  He understands my silent stare immediately and unfolds himself from the couch. He slaps Kid on the leg. “Let’s shoot some pool.”

  “But the next episode…” I can’t see the look on Shadow’s face but Kid doesn’t mutter another word as he stands and they leave the area muttering quick goodnights.

  The pool table is still in the open area we’re in, but they’re several yards away. I want to talk to her, but I don’t want her to be uncomfortable. I’m hoping having them in the same room but not completely gone will make her feel safer.

  “Hey,” I say gently getting her attention. “Have you given much thought to how long you want to stay here?”

  She gives me a quick glance but then looks back to the TV feinting more interest in the cat food commercial than I know she actually feels.

  “Not really,” she says.

  “Do you want to leave him for good?” I need to know, and there’s no sense in beating around the bush. Some things need to be out in the open; her intentions with her husband is top on my priority list.

  “Yes,” she says adamantly.

  “I will help you any way I can to make sure he doesn’t hurt you again.” I watch her hands as she twirls her simple gold wedding band around on her slender finger.

  “Because I’m cute?” she says with a slight hint of playfulness to her voice.

  “Because you’re cute,” I agree with her as I reach and place my hand on top of hers, halting the nervous fiddling of the ring.

  I have the urge to tell her more. I want to tell her about the woman that was in her exact situation, that as a boy, I was unable to save. I want to tell her that I’ve been trying to make up for it for the last two decades, but that seems like too deep of a conversation to have while Sheldon Cooper is on the TV saying incredibly stupid things.

  Chapter 9

  I never imagined a super simple thing like a man holding my hand could feel so sensual. I know he grabbed my hand to keep me from messing with my ring, a ring I plan to take off the second I get back to the room. He may have done it to stop me, but that’s not why he’s still holding it, and that’s not why I’m letting him.

  I love the way his rough hands feel on mine. His big hand wraps around both of mine in a non-threatening way. I sighed loudly enough for him to look over at me when he began rubbing circles absently on the back of my hand. Tingles. I felt honest to God tingles go up my arms at his touch.

  I had to talk down the fear and remind myself that Bobby is no longer part of my life’s equation, especially after Diego vowed to help me and make sure he couldn’t hurt me. Even knowing that didn’t keep Bobby’s voice from whispering whore in my ear when I didn’t pull my hand from his.

  My eyes grow incredibly tired, and I know I need to get up and go to the room he’s so graciously provided to me, but I don’t want to pull away from his touch, and the heat his thigh is infusing into my own body. I yawn, and he sinks lower on the couch, leaving his shoulder at the perfect height for my head. His intentions are as obvious as the bat signal flashing across the skies of Gotham City, but that doesn’t stop me from laying my head to the side and gently laying it on his offered shoulder.


  I know it’s too soon to be doing this, but he’s honestly irresistible, and I’m tired of denying myself what I want. I’m free from the abuse and threat of violence.

  I moan low in my throat as his lips nip the delicate skin inside of my left thigh. I can feel his hot breath racing across my body but falling just short of where I need the heat to reach. A quick shiver runs up my arms at the anticipation of where his mouth is progressing. Slow nipping and sucking from his talented mouth have me throwing my head back, my moans so loud I hope no one else can hear it.

  “Diego,” I pant as his hot tongue licks the skin at the crease of my thigh, almost where I need him but still so very far away. His name on my lips is a plea, and having mercy on me he flicks a stiff tongue across my clit. The sensation is out of the world, better than anything I’ve ever felt before.

  My eyes snap open. I’m panting and more aroused than I think I’ve ever been in my life, and I’m completely alone in the huge bed. I roll from my side curl position to lay flat on my back, taking notice of my hard nipples and the sheen of sweat coating my skin.

  I was so close to orgasm from my dream I can still feel the edge of the tingle that has started in my deprived core. I haven’t had sex in months. It’s not one of the things Bobby was interested in. Well, not from me at least. I’m thankful it’s not one of the things he used to hurt me with. I’ve done a lot of research on the internet, and I know many women who suffer physical abuse also suffer from sexual abuse at the hands of their mates. I’m one of the lucky ones I guess.

  Refusing to let the incredible sensation leave, I quickly slide my hand down my body and past the waistband of the blue jeans I’m in. I fell asleep on Diego in the living room area last night, and he must have carried me to bed. The light coming through the high window lets me know it’s already morning, and I feel like a million bucks from resting so well.

  I close my eyes and bite my lip as my fingers skate over my already swollen clit. My hips jolt at the unfamiliar attention and another low moan escapes my lips. I’m drenched and can tell my dream had been going on for some time. I’m coming and choking back a loud gasp by the time my fingers slowly slip inside.

  My body is headfirst in an intense orgasm when I sense a stirring to my right. I look over as my core clenches hard around my fingers. My eyes land on Diego who I’d believe is asleep from his closed eyes, if it weren’t for the small smile on his lips.

  I whimper loudly and pull my hand from between my legs. He chooses this moment to open his eyes slowly as if he’s just now waking up. If he wants to pretend, so will I. I’ve never been more embarrassed in my life. If I could fade away into the bed and never see him again, that would be fine with me.

  “Mornin’,” he says softly. The slow southern drawl of his voice first thing in the morning does nothing to abate the trembles and aftershocks racing through my center.

  I pull the heavy comforter up past my nose, so only my eyes are visible to him.

  “What are you doing in here?” Did you hear me moan? I want to ask.

  He stretches his arms over his head, and I’m entranced by the sight of his flexing arms and the two inches of his abdomen that the action has uncovered. Looking further down, I can see the outline of an erection that he has no hope of hiding. The sound of his voice is the only thing that pulls my gaze from his crotch, and honestly, I don’t know how long I’d been staring before he spoke.

  “I’m sorry.” I shake my head slightly trying to clear the lust and desire from it. “What did you say?” I finally meet his eyes.

  “You fell asleep. I tried to wake you, but you just mumbled.” He stretches again, and I pride myself on keeping my eyes in the vicinity of his face rather than the golden skin and hard lines of his stomach. “I carried you in here and put you in bed.”

  “And you stayed?” I lower the blanket just a bit, so my words don’t get lost.

  “You have the only keys, Emmalyn, and I wasn’t going to leave you in here without locking the door.”

  Just when I think he couldn’t get any more thoughtful, he sleeps in another chair, so I’ll feel safe. That’s two nights in a row he’s spent an uncomfortable night of sleep. This time he’s been even more considerate since his very own bed was just on the other side of the wall.

  “You didn’t
have to do that, Diego.”

  “I told you I’d keep you safe. You and I both know you’d be upset if you woke up and that door was unlocked.” He has a very good point, but his continued sacrifices make me wonder when he’s going to want to cash in on all of the favors he’s thrown my way.

  “Thank you,” I say to him because when it’s all said and done I am grateful he made sure the door was locked, even if that meant he was in here all night.

  I watch as he stands from the recliner and once again stretches his arms over his head. I catch the groan at the sight of him before it falls out of my mouth. Unabashedly, he adjusts the still raging hard on in his pants. Instinctively, I pull the blankets back up again and hide the smile on my face.

  My eyes follow him across the room as he walks to the door and flips the lock before turning back to me. “Breakfast should be ready by now.” He tilts his head toward the bathroom. “You’ll probably want to wash your hands before you join us.” If I wasn’t mortified before, I am when a slow smile spreads across his face, and he winks at me before walking out of the room.


  I stayed in the room for at least another half hour before I gained enough courage, and the flush left my embarrassed cheeks, to be presentable for whomever I may find in the kitchen. The clock on the bedside table says I’m already an hour late for the time Rose wanted to head out.

  I lock the door behind me since I’ll be leaving for a while. I don’t know where we’ll be shopping at, but I didn’t see that much riding into town yesterday evening.

  Unfamiliar laughter and voices can be heard before I make it into the kitchen for breakfast. This sound, as opposed to the silence from yesterday, is more calming. Whoever is talking and laughing is doing so with good nature. There is no bitterness or anger coming from the room, and it calms my nerves enough to walk into the room.

  The second I step into the kitchen, I wish I could turn right back around and leave. Diego is standing against the counter putting food on a plate, which is no big deal. The frizzy head blonde beside him with her hand in his back pocket angers me for some unexplainable reason.